Midlands Interfaith Meetup: Tu B’Shevat during SC Interfaith Harmony Month

Join us for a special Midlands Interfaith Meetup

Tue Jan 4 at 7:00 PM ET

Rebbe TZiPi Radonsky is our guest presenter

Tu B’Shevat, the ancient holiday of spring in Israel, in a time of heavy rain and in preparation for new growth. This Jewish holiday occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. It is also called Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot, literally ‘New Year of the Trees’. In contemporary Israel, the day is celebrated as a Jewish Earth Day, and trees are planted in celebration. In Kabbalistic tradition, the first fruits are celebrated with a Tu B’Shevat seder where each fruit has a meaning and an associated blessing to honor the body, mind, intellect and spirit.

Register to attend: Register to attend this virtual event on Zoom


The Midlands Interfaith Meetup began as a public dinner discussion group which moved to Zoom at the onset of the 2020 pandemic. Our primary purpose is to get to know others from the rich variety of faith communities in South Carolina. All are welcome. Our only rules are those below.

• Allow others to express their beliefs and practices in the terms that they choose, not attempting to reframe their beliefs in a way that makes us more comfortable.

• Accept that at times people disagree. This does not imply a personal slight, or even conflict.

• Practice the art of inclusive language. For example, when discussing spiritual matters, we often frame our statements with phrases such as, “in my tradition,” or “as I understand it,” or “in my opinion,” as a way of indicating that we do not claim to speak for others when expressing beliefs or feelings.

• Interfaith occasions are never the place to proselytize for one’s own religion. It’s perfectly appropriate to invite others to visit your services and events, but advancing your religion as a preferred alternative is highly disrespectful.