Interfaith Partners Decries Violence at U.S. Capitol, Calls For Peace Among All South Carolinians

For Immediate Release Jan 6, 2021

COLUMBIA—Interfaith Partners of South Carolina (IPSC) calls on all South Carolinians to join in upholding peace and order during this transition period. While open elections in many countries engender fear, conflict and even violence, here in America we are accustomed to an orderly and civil process. During this season of polarization and tension, we are called to proactively build peace to support democracy. Disruptive and/or violent actions against our fellow Americans will not accomplish our shared values and goals.

If we want to continue to live in the America we love, we must remember who we are – a group of individuals with differing ideas, and a democracy that provides us with a way to live together in peace. America is not perfect, but we should always strive to achieve our ideals of peace, harmony, opportunity and respect for all. Many wish to express their feelings about the events of today, and public protest is a cherished American practice. Understanding, however, that in-person confrontation may provide a flashpoint for unwanted violence, IPSC urges everyone to avoid protests and counterprotests.

IPSC Chair Cheryl Nail said, “Interfaith relations have shown us time and again how our differences need not divide us. It is our various perspectives that keep our democracy strong.“

January is S.C. Interfaith Harmony Month. Interfaith conversations have taught us that we can show compassion to each other even when we have sharp differences. We have learned that we can respect others with whom we disagree. We call on all of our interfaith partners across South Carolina to uphold our vision of peace and respect.

Former Vice-Chair of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Andras Corban-Arthen, is a featured speaker for S.C. Interfaith Harmony Month. He shared this message of encouragement to IPSC today: “As interreligious representatives, it behooves us to address these events. The interfaith movement openly embraces all the religious and spiritual communities throughout the world. We urge those involved in today’s actions in Washington to seek understanding and resolution through peaceful means, rather than violence.”

For more information about IPSC or S.C. Interfaith Harmony Month, visit To speak with IPSC leadership, contact Holli Emore at 803.422.4565 or