Reading & Links

Spiritual Care For All: Interfaith Words of Comfort and Hope, web site has prayers, poems and readings from many spiritual traditions, especially for those who are present with individuals at the end of their life (e.g., during the pandemic).

Arthur Hull has conducted drum circles for every imaginable kind of group, including many corporate clients, and formally trains facilitators. Ideas, plus books, recordings and other resources for sale.

Beversluis, Joel, A Sourcebook for Earth’s Community of Religions, 3rd Ed., (CoNexus, 2000).

The modern interfaith movement may be said to have launched with the 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions. Sourcebook was developed as a resource for the thousands of attendees who left the Parliament with the question, “What do we do next?” Beversluis begins with overviews of world religious movements; Unlike may other books which purport to educate about world religions, Beversluis’ language is refreshingly inclusive as he discusses indigenous-native traditions, African traditional religions, humanism, esotericism, and even Paganism. Essays by numerous key international voices firmly establish the need for interfaith work, as well as providing history, context, and discussion of issues. Those who wish to start interfaith activities will find in Sourcebook detailed step-by-step instructions which have been used by specific local groups.

Blood, Peter, and Annie Patterson, Rise Up Singing: The Group Singing Songbook, (Sing Out Publications, 2000).

Circle Dance of DC Metro Area, with good discussion, videos, instructions,

Considerations For Cultural Borrowing: Questions to Ask (And Answer),

Dances of Universal Peace,

Davies, Siriol, “An Evaluation of Different Models of Inter Faith Activity,” Report commissioned by South London Inter Faith Group, May 19, 2007.

Faith Communities Capacity Building Fund provided funds for this report on the multifaith community of South London. The report surveys twelve towns within that region, giving a detailed assessment of their local interfaith resources. Changing ethnic demographics, social unrest, fears of terrorism and other cultural issues are referenced as underlying reasons motives for interfaith engagement. has lots of good advice, some great photos of drum circles, free downloadable recordings, and a facilitator’s book for sale.

Heckman, Bud , Interactive Faith: The Essential Interreligious Community-Building Handbook (Woodstock, Vermont: Skylight Paths, 2008).

Heckman distinguishes two broad categories of interfaith work: one is the creation of community through dialogue, including conversation, the arts and prayer; the other is living that dialogue through service and advocacy. Each section gives concrete steps to implement activities and advice based on the author’s experience. Interactive Faith resembles A Sourcebook of the World’s Religions in its combination of philosophical underpinnings with specific strategies and resources, but is much more brief and a more recent publication.

The Interfaith Calendar,

Primary sacred dates for world religions, by year for many years into the future. Includes print format calendars, numerous links to information about religious food guidelines, links to information about countries with religious prohibitions, and more.

Interfaith Advocate, James R. Taylor’s Interfaith Ministry,

Interfaith America,

Interfaith America works with college students and campus faculty and staff across the country to engage religious diversity by building interfaith cooperation on college and university campuses.

Küng, Hans, Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic, (New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1991).

Christian theologian Küng’s landmark call for a framework for functioning as a global society, in which he famously declares that there is no peace among nations without peace among religions, and no peace among religions without dialog among religions.

Matlins, Stuart M., and Arthur J. Magida, eds., How To Be A Perfect Stranger, (Woodstock, Vermont: Skylight Paths Publishing, 2003).

Michael Stillwater conducts singing workshops around the world. CDs are available here:

North American Interfaith Network,

North American Interfaith Network connects interfaith groups throughout North America, holds an annual NAINConnect conference, and produces The Interfaith Observer online publication.

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life,

The Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life, launched in 2001, seeks to promote a deeper understanding of issues at the intersection of religion and public affairs. The Pew Forum conducts surveys, demographic analyses and other social science research on important aspects of religion and public life in the U.S. and around the world. It also provides a neutral venue for discussions of timely issues through roundtables and briefings.

The Pluralism Project at Harvard University,

Originally a student research program, The Pluralism Project has become one of the most respected sources for information on the “case studies of the religious dimensions of specific locales, and discussion of religious pluralism. The web site includes extensive documentation of religions, lists of and links to resources, posted reports and publications, data, and directories of groups and events.

Ratliff, Ben, “Shared Song, Communal Memory,” New York Times, February 10, 2008, retrieved from

Rhythm Web has good discussion about starting a community drum circle from scratch.

United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week,

A United Nations resolution proclaims the first week of February of each year “Interfaith Harmony Week.” Posted at this link are a number of resources, a short video on the “20,000 Dialogues” recommendations for beginning an interfaith film discussion, a document of called “How to Start an Interfaith Community Service Project,” and statements of support by many world leaders.

United Religions Initiative

Internationally recognized interfaith network active in 78 countries with its global office in San Francisco, California, cultivates and connects grassroots change-makers across religious, cultural and geographic boundaries, harnessing their collective power to take on religiously motivated violence and social, economic and environmental crises that destabilize regions and contribute to poverty.

Vegas Vortex has posted lyrics and free downloadable recordings of some of their favorite earth spirituality songs.