Interfaith In Action

IMG_20160124_110637_941Here are some ideas for interfaith activities. Follow the link for each one to more detailed how-to’s.

Home dinner group – Covered dish dinner followed by facilitated discussion.

Home study group – Everyone read the same book or other material, and meet in a home to discuss.  More here

Song, drumming, dance circles – Hold open gatherings where participants enjoy the oldest arts together.  More here

Team community project – Choose a group project to benefit the community, e.g., a food drive, collecting books and clothes for a children’s home, building a home (e.g., through Habitat for Humanity), attend a rally or walk for a shared cause.

PanelHolliAmarjitsmallerPublic guest speaker – Present a special speaker in a community forum.

Webinar – Present a special speaker online, followed by an invitation to an in-person event such as a home dinner or discussion group.

Film discussion group – Show a film and then discuss, either at a public location like the library, or in a home.

Public presentation – Offer to give a brief talk at a civic group meeting, Sunday or Sabbath school class, or other community event.

Tips For Success