FBI Recognizes IPSC With Award!

January 11, 2019
Interfaith Partners of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
Since 1990, each of the FBI’s 56 field offices nominates one person or group to receive the “Director’s Award for Community Leadership”. The award, given on behalf of Director Christopher A. Wray, is in recognition of outstanding service to the local community and the enduring contributions to the advancement of justice.
Special Agent in Charge, Alphonso “Jody” Norris, presented the 2018 Director’s Community Leadership Award to Interfaith Partners of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, for impacting thousands from communities representing all cultures, religions and backgrounds through their efforts; building relationships of trust; prevention of terrorism; understanding of racial and religious bias, and establishing interfaith groups in various communities across South Carolina.
The presentation convened at the FBI office, 151 Westpark Boulevard, Columbia, SC, in the conference room, second floor on Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 2:00pm.

L to R: Holli Emore, Public Information Officer; Omar Shaheed, former Vice-President; FBI Special Agent in Charge Jody Norris; Adrian Bird, President; Cheryl Glantz Nail, Vice-President.