Calendar | Interfaith Harmony Month 2022

Upcoming Events:

Ready 2 Read Book Drive
Presented by: Temple Osireion

To celebrate this year’s S.C. Interfaith Harmony Month, Temple Osireion is collecting new and gently used books for pre-K-2nd graders in Richland District 2 schools to take home with them over the summer.

There is a box on my (Holli and Clyde’s) front porch in which you can drop by any time and put your donations. You might do any of the following to gather books:

• Purchase new books anywhere you shop or order online.
• Check thrift stores and library sales.
• Look through your own shelves of no-longer-read books.
• Ask everyone you know for what they might have.

Please help us make this a success!

If you need the address, just email Holli Emore:

Temple Osireion is a Pagan tradition based on ancient Egyptian spirituality. SC Interfaith Harmony Month is a project of Interfaith Partners of South Carolina. 

1/29/2022      2:00 PM
Why We Search For Ancestors – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

by Alyn Hancock and Interfaith Partners of South Carolina (IPSC)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 810 6706
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,8898106706# US (Chicago)

Past Events:

12/29/2021      11:00 AM – Noon
Interfaith Harmony Month Kickoff and Meet & Greet 

Celebrate the beginning of Interfaith Harmony Month, welcome our new board members, and reconnect with friends of many religious, spiritual, and secular paths. In order to allow us to be as safe as possible, we will be gathering outdoors on the North Lawn of the State House (in front of the steps). All are welcome!

If you plan to attend, please let us know:
Questions? Contact:

1/4/2022 7:00-8:00 PM
The Midlands Interfaith Meetup: Tu B’Shevat

Tu B’Shevat, the ancient holiday of spring in Israel, in a time of heavy rain and in preparation for new growth. This Jewish holiday occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. It is also called Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot, literally ‘New Year of the Trees’. In contemporary Israel, the day is celebrated as a Jewish Earth Day, and trees are planted in celebration. In Kabbalistic tradition, the first fruits are celebrated with a Tu B’Shevat seder where each fruit has a meaning and an associated blessing to honor the body, mind, intellect and spirit.

ABOUT THE MEETUP: The Midlands Interfaith Meetup began as a public dinner discussion group which moved to Zoom at the onset of the 2020 pandemic. Our primary purpose is to get to know others from the rich variety of faith communities in South Carolina. All are welcome.

Questions? Contact

1/8/2022      7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Talking About Values
Presented by: Freethought Society of the Midlands
Register here:

Values ground us, give us motivation, and help shape our moral compass. Sharing our values with one another can help us understand each other, especially when it comes to the way we understand the world and our place in it. Chad and Sarah will engage participants in an interactive activity about values. This event will be virtual, but we suggest you come prepared with a pen and something to write on as it relates to the activity.

Questions? Contact:

1/13/2022 6:20-8:00 pm
Women of Many Faiths
6:20-6:40 pm: “Friendship Building”
6:45-8:00: Topic Discussion : Please bring and read, sing, or play a favorite poem or song that expresses your faith. 
Women of Many Faiths – Columbia, SC
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the Women of Faith is to promote interfaith/intercultural understanding and to build goodwill.  While matters of faith and a desire for spiritual growth are what draw us together, it is not necessary to be a practicing member of a specific religious group or tradition to be a participant or become a member of Women of Faith.  We value a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives and the opportunity to learn from one another in a spirit of openness, sensitivity, respect, trust, friendship, and support.
To receive the Zoom link for this meeting, it is necessary to contact one of the WOMF co-chairs:
Anne Cox (803-917-6861
Mary Kennerly (803-466-3110

1/17/2022      11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
MLK Interfaith Harmony Month
Presented by: South Carolina Interfaith Power & Light (SCIPL)

Register here:

SCIPL, My Neighbors Voice, SC Poor People’s Campaign and Atlantic Institute invites SC residents to register for a virtual MLK Interfaith Harmony Dialogue hosted by SC Interfaith Power & Light on Jan 17th 11am – 12:30pm. The theme is Being a Stone Catcher: Learning, Acting and Teaching Nonviolence. Social Justice leaders mentored by Dr. Martin Luther King, Rev. John Reynold and Dr. Barbara Williams Emerson will speak and participate in small group discussions with attendees.

Questions? Contact

1/17/2022 8:00-8:30 PM
Full Moon Ceremony hosted by 3 Rays of Light & Awen Grove Fellowship / Rev. Mela Borawski
Bring your vision boards to this virtual full moon ceremony! We’ll be activating the energy of your vision board and setting those intentions together. If you haven’t made a vision board yet, you’ve got plenty of time. They can even be digital. There’s tons of great resources for making vision boards! Any items you wish to be blessed not only by the full moon energy but by the community energy of this event, place them with you as you come together with us for the ceremony. This could be anything, such as crystals, jewelry items, oracle or tarot cards, etc. This ceremony will be led by the ordained celebrant Rev. Pam Borawski, whose own spiritual path is eclectic and earth-centered. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Our full moon ceremonies are interfaith and all are welcome.

Remember –
– 8pm for the ceremony.
– Place anything you wish soak up the energy of this ceremony with you for the event.
– Have your vision board, whether paper or digital, even if it’s just a piece of paper that you’ve written your goals on for the new year!

Facebook Event:
Questions?  Mela at or message me on Facebook

1/18/2022      7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Interfaith & Human Trafficking Ongoing Awareness: Your Faith Can Make a Difference!
Presented by: Roger Acton
Register here:

When you attend this Zoom webinar, you will be updated on the crisis of human trafficking impacting the Midlands, and how our faith communities have and can make a difference in just one survivor’s life.Several of the task force leadership will be panelists in this presentation: Elizabeth Rummel, Captain Heidi Jackson, Chaplain Laurie Pineda, Emma Rush and Heather Pagan.Roger Acton, current IPSC board member at large, will be the Moderator, is also a member of the local task force and is on our state’s Human Trafficking Task Force, as the Interfaith Chairperson.And look forward to access to resource support beyond this webinar presentation for your faith community.

Questions? Contact:

1/22/2022      3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Coming To The Center
Presented by: Cherry Hill Seminary

Register here:

Cherry Hill Seminary Executive Director, Holli Emore, hosts this live online program with thought leaders, scholars, & experts in Pagan spirituality. Giovanna Parmigiani, Ph.D., is Harvard Divinity School Professor of Religion and Cultural Anthropology. She is an anthropologist of religion and a scholar of Contemporary Paganisms. Free and open to all with registration. Learn more here

Questions? Contact

1/23/2022      11:00 AM
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia Service
Presented by: Adrian Bird, Former Chair of Interfaith Partners of South Carolina

How better to celebrate Interfaith Harmony Month than to hear our former chair, Adrian Bird, who has recently moved to Charlotte, as the featured speaker at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia 11 am service this Sunday the 23rd.  this can be watched live on Zoom with breakouts or can be found on YouTube.   All are welcome to join us.  The information is below:

The Sunday service will be held via Zoom and you may log in after 10:30 a.m. to visit as well as remain after the service in breakout rooms.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 95571103221

Phone number: 312 626 6799

The service can be viewed on YouTube using the link below.

  1. Open the browser on your Internet-connected device (computer, laptop, smartphone).
    2. Click on this link or paste it In the search bar, hit ENTER:


1/23/2022      3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Interfaith Nature Walk
Presented by: Jordan Henry and Sarah Kurlowich

RSVP here:

Join us for a relaxing walk along the Saluda river with friends of many religious, secular, and spiritual paths. Please bring a short reflection to share with the group that illustrates your connection to nature. Your reading could be sacred or secular. Examples include: a poem, song lyrics, a piece of art, or a scripture or book passage.

Please wear a mask if you are physically able. Extra masks will be available for those that need them.

Location: Saluda Riverwalk, 650 Candi Lane Columbia, SC 29203

Park information:
Trails are paved, with a few wooden boardwalk type bridges. No stairs. Limited handicap parking spots. Restrooms on site.

Questions? Contact:

1/27/2022      10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Faith and Family: How different faith traditions approach serving seniors

Two hour webinar: panel discussion on how different faith traditions care for their seniors, followed by a panel on resources for seniors.

The event can be viewed on YouTube (no interaction) using the link below.

Questions? Contact 843-338-6607

1/28/2022      4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
 ‘Patience and Perseverance in Our Many Faiths’

PICNA and Masjid Noor Ul Huda invite you to join a Program entitled ‘Patience and Perseverance in Our Many Faiths’ on Friday, January 28 from 4 to 5:30 PM at Masjid Noor Ul Huda, 517 Winmet Drive, Columbia SC 29203.

  • The Program will include a panel discussion on the above theme followed by a Q & A session.
  • Snacks will be served.
  • Mask and Social Distancing requested as per Mosque Policy

Please register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

For further info and to RSVP, pls contact Chaudhry Sadiq 803.210.7355