Next Steps For A Host – If Location Is Home

  • Consider who you will invite, and/or find out who may have signed up to be a guest on our web site. 
  • After reviewing dietary needs, plan the meal. If a potluck, you can email everyone with a list of dishes you’d like someone to bring. There’s a sample message in this host kit. 
  • Send out the list of who is bringing what, along with a reminder of your address, simple directions, time to be at your door, ending time, and discussion topic. Do this at least 2 weeks in advance. 
  • Send the same info out as a reminder 3 days in advance. 
  • Help guests introduce themselves to each other, put out food and invite people to the table about 15 minutes after the official arrival time. Give whatever directions you need to about serving, beverages, etc. Let everyone start their dinner and chat for about 15 minutes before turning the group conversation over to the facilitator. 
  • The facilitator may be you, or may be one of your guests, but should have been through the brief IPSC training for Interfaith Circles facilitators. That person will guide you through about 45-60 minutes of conversation.  
  • When time is up, politely announce that the discussion must end now and thank everyone for coming. If you plan for this to be a recurring event, tell your guests when next you will meet.  
  • Encourage everyone to respond to the email they will receive from IPSC asking for their feedback. We also ask you to provide feedback as a host. This is so we can continue to improve everyone’s experience. 
Sample Invitation Message 

Home Potluck 


Dear __________________, 

I’m so pleased that you will be joining us for the Interfaith Circle potluck dinner and discussion at my house on ___[day and date]____, at ___[time to arrive]___. 

My address is _____________________________. Do plan to arrive on time since we have a scheduled discussion over dinner. 

Since this is a potluck and a smallish group, would you sign up to bring one of the following? 

Main dish – I’ll provide baked chicken 

Vegetable 1 

Vegetable 2 

Starch (like macaroni or potatoes) 

Bread or rolls 






Thanks for replying as soon as possible and I look forward to seeing you on the ___[date]___. 


__[your first and last name]___