Interfaith Partners hopes to generate some concurrent conversations in groups meeting in the same month, so we may announce a sort of “topic of the month.”
You may also wish to choose one of the topics in the list below. Keep in mind that you probably don’t want to expect a brand new group to tackle a controversial subject until they get to know each other.
Eboo Patel points out that the only bad interfaith question is one that immediately generates an argument. The most important thing is that you are building relationships, not that you are resolving the world’s problems in your one dinner.
The Conversation Guide can be applied to:
- What is your favorite religious holiday?
- How does your family handle multi-faith family members?
- How could others make you feel welcome in their groups?
- What makes you hesitant to talk about (your religion, your culture, etc.)?
- What kind of daily practice do you have that others might like to know about or even try themselves?
- Where is your personal sacred space?
- What do you wish people understood about your faith?
We will continue to add to this list online as you think of others!