Conversation Guide


Give each person One Minute to share their name, where they live, what brought them to the group this occasion.

Conversation Agreements

Ask one person to read each of the following agreements. You can also print copies of the agreements – click for downloadable handout

  • Be curious and listen to others.
  • Notice commonalities; respect differences.
  • Be your authentic self and let others do the same.
  • Use “I” statements, e.g., “I feel –,” or “In my experience–”
  • Don’t present your religion as the best way for everyone.
  • Allow each person to finish what they are saying without interrupting (unless you are the timekeeper).

Present the Topic

Facilitator announce the topic for discussion. Ask for a volunteer to keep track of time and hold up an object or small sign as the signal whenever someone’s time is up.

Start Conversing (getting to know each other)

Each person shares: What personal purpose, mission, duty guides my life? (time limit 1-2 minutes per person)

Continue Talking (each person shares)

  • When I hear this topic mentioned, I feel ____. (2 minutes per person)
  • Here’s what concerns me _____. (2 minutes per person)
  • Here’s what encourages me _____. (2 minutes per person)
  • What new thought has come to mind while we’ve been talking? (2 minutes per person)
  • Will you change anything or do something new as a result of our conversation? (2 minutes per person)

Close the Event

Host thank all for attending.

If you are going to hold another Interfaith Circle with the same group, announce the next date and time.

Invite anyone who wants follow-up to let you know, then be sure to call them the next day.

Note that anyone who wants to hold their own event will find a host instructions kit at

Stand, to indicate that it’s time for people to leave.

Later (and don’t forget, because this is important!)

Send your feedback to us at