All are welcome and encouraged to attend – click and scroll down to find the latest in your region:
S.C. Interfaith Harmony Month Launch and Recognition of Gov. Haley by IPSC Friday, December 30
12:00 Noon S.C. State House Rotunda, Columbia
Interfaith Partners of South Carolina will announce the launch of S.C. Interfaith Harmony Month (January). The group will at that time also release a statement recognizing Governor Nikki Haley for proclaiming S.C. Interfaith Harmony Month each year. All are welcome. Questions contact
Midlands Interfaith Meetup Tuesday, January 3
6-8:00 PM Zorba’s Restaurant, 6169 St. Andrews Rd., Columbia
Casual dining and discussion with friends of all and no religions. Food is dutch treat but you don’t need to order to attend and participate. Questions contact
Satsang In Celebration of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Birthday Tuesday, January 3
6:;00 – 7:00 PM 47C Da Gullah Way, Pawleys Island
Kriya Yoga Satsang on Tuesdays starting January 3, led by Paula Kenion. Questions contact 843-314-4611 or
Healing & Peace Ceremony Sunday, January 8
3:00 PM S.C. State House front plaza (north side)
A recognition of the pain we have experienced during violence around the world in 2016 and reflections on both personal and community peace. Interfaith ceremony presented by Temple Osireion. Questions contact
Interfaith Intercultural New Year’s Service Sunday, January 8
4:00 – 6:00 PM 1201 North Street, Beaufort
Join the United Interfaith Community Coalition of Beaufort in celebration. All are welcome to attend. Potluck opportunity to break bread together. In the First Presbyterian Education Hall. Questions contact 843-524-6091.
Holocaust Remembered at McKissick Museum Starts Monday, January 9
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM – 5 PM, Saturday: 11 AM – 3 PM
2nd Floor lobby, McKissick Museum, University of South Carolina, Columbia
Exhibit recalls the harrowing history of World War II. It follows the history of the Nazis and their collaborators throughout Europe and clarifies the aim of their “Final Solution,” the extermination of all the Jews of Europe. This exhibition of 24 panels, created by the Columbia Holocaust Education Commission (CHEC) in 2006, tracks this history, but places its emphasis on some of the people from South Carolina who played a significant role in liberating the concentration camps, including their eyewitness accounts. Holocaust Remembered also highlights the Jewish Holocaust Survivor families that immigrated to South Carolina, and speaks to the lessons we all can learn from the history of the Holocaust. For additional information on this exhibition or the CHEC, click here.
Introduction to Nichiren Buddhism Wednesday, January 11
7:00 PM 228B O’Neil Ct., Columbia
Presented by SGI-USA SC Buddhist Center. Questions contact 803-419-4551.
Women of Many Faiths Thursday, January 12
6:30 – 8:30 PM 2020 Assembly Street, Columbia
Interfaith women’s discussion group has met monthly for nearly 15 years. Discussion topic for this meeting: How are women’s bodies perceived/used in different faiths? How are women’s bodies the site of different definitions/meanings in religion? Questions contact or
Exploring Islam Mosque Open House Friday, January 13
4:00-5:30 PM 517 Winmet Drive, Columbia
“Exploring Islam” Jointly presented by PICNA and Masjid Noor Ul Huda. Program includes presentations on Islam, to be followed by Q&A session, fellowship and snacks. Questions contact: 803.210.7355 or
Race, Religion & Social Change: Stories & Lessons from the Baha’i’s in Jim Crow S.C. Saturday, January 14
5:00 PM 1135 State Park Road, Greenville
Dr. Louis Venters will speak after a potluck. He will also sell and sign copies of his book, No Jim Crow Church at the end of the evening. Co-sponsored by the Unitarians, Greenville Interfaith Forum, and the Baha’i Men’s Gathering. Cutlery, drinks and plates provided; please bring a dish to share.
South Carolina Water Protectors Gathering Saturday, January 14
12:00 – 6:00 PM 155 West Lane, Jonesville
A gathering for native and non native water protectors who have been active in our goal to bring about awareness, and have supported those in Standing Rock. Songs and fellowship cultural event. Bring a covered dish and chair for a shared feat.Celebrate how this issue has brought us all together in to protect Mother Earth for future generations. This is an out-of-Doors Event, so please bring 2 pieces of firewood for the 2 fires that will be going.
Interfaith Prayer Service Sunday, January 15
10:00 AM 1300 Fording Island Rd, Bluffton
Unity of Hilton Head will be celebrating Interfaith Harmony Month at our church service Seaquins Ballroom. It will feature an interfaith prayer service where we hope to hear Jewish, Baha’i, Muslim, Hindu, Christian and other prayers. Questions contact
Sikh Religious Society Prayer Services Sunday, January 15
11:30 AM refreshments, 12:00 Noon prayers begin, 1:30 PM Langar lunch 11419 Broad River Road, Chapin
A special temple service with music and translations into English for first-time guests, followed by a traditional Sikh free langar lunch. Head coverings are provided and all are welcome. Attendees are asked to observe the following for reverence:
* Head covering (will be provided or you may bring your own) before entering Langar Hall and Prayer Hall.
* Expect to remove your shoes in either the Men’s or Ladies’ Shoe Room in the foyer.
* Ladies sit on the right side in Prayer Hall and men on the left. Benches and chairs will be available for guests who cannot sit on the carpeted floor.
* The projection screens in Prayer Hall have English and Hindi translation of hymns recited by Giani Ji (Priest Kamaljit Singh).
* As you walk up to the elevated stage with Guru Granth, Sikh Holy Scriptures, please show your respect for the Guru (Scriptures on stage).
Questions contact
“World Religion Day” UU Service Sunday, January 15
11:00 AM – Noon 334 Clayton Memorial Church Road, Newberry
Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War Sunday, January 15
2:00 – 5:00 PM 2701 Heyward Street, Columbia
All are invited to a showing of the award-winning film, “Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War” by Ken Burns and Artemis Joukowsky, and a discussion afterwards. What are the implications of the Sharps’ accomplishments? Can a similar crisis happen in THIS country? What can we, as concerned citizens, do? This is the fourth Community Conversation sponsored by the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia. Reservations for childcare are required. For childcare, call 803-799-0845 or email
Historical Marker dedication and tour January 15
2:00pm – 3:30 PM 1300 block of Whaley Street, Columbia
House of Peace Cemetery, by Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina, tour led by Dr. Jonathan Leader. Questions contact
Hindu Temple & Cultural Center in Charleston Thursday, January 19
6:00 – 8:00 PM 1740 Jervey Street, Charleston
Interfaith Friendship & Harmony, presentations and open forum. Questions contact 843-875-9753 or
Fellowship of S.C .Bishops Annual Prayer Service Thursday January 19
6:30 PM St. Joseph Catholic Church, 3600 Devine Street, Columbia
Including a special intercessory prayer during the service for all faith traditions in honor of Interfaith Harmony month. Reception immediately following the service. All are welcome.
The Twelve Powers movie Friday, January 20
7:00 PM 1801 Legrand Road, Columbia
NY Times bestselling author James Twyman will host a world premier screening of a new feature documentary called The Twelve Powers, sponsored by Unity of Columbia. The film, based on Charles Fillmore’s classic book, is the first in a series of three documentaries entitled A Sound Called Unity, all of which are based on the primary teachings of the Unity spiritual movement founded by Fillmore and his wife Myrtle in 1889. The Twelve Powers documentary features wisdom from over forty minsters, including Rev. Ed Townley, well representing the Unity message. It also follows James Twyman and a group of Jewish rabbis, Muslim imans and Christian ministers as they travel to a hill overlooking a Syrian village held by ISIS. Millions of people participated in a worldwide synchronized meditation that day as prayers were shared from the three religions, as well as from The Twelve Powers.
“Wiesenthal” Friday and Saturday, January 20-21
7:30PM Harbison Theater, Midlands Tech Irmo
Step into the office of the world’s most respected Nazi hunter as he recounts the engrossing story of his life’s work. Fresh from off-Broadway and now touring the globe, this one-man drama lets the audience connect intimately with the true story of Simon Wiesenthal, who devoted his life to bringing more than one thousand Nazi war criminals to justice. In a performance the New York Times calls “Moving. Powerful. Beautiful,” playwright and actor Tom Dugan honors the man behind the legend with poignance, humor and nobility. Recommended for pre-teens and older.
Hindu Temple in Irmo Celebrates Birthday of Swami Vivekenanda Saturday, January 21
4:00 – 6:00 PM, dinner 6:30 PM 5704 Bush River Rd, Columbia
Cultural and spiritual presentations followed by dinner. All are warmly invited. Questions contact 803-479-9048.
Meeting of Two Faiths Sunday, January 22
6.30 – 8.00 PM 6505 St. Andrews Road, Columbia
Celebrating our partnership in support of refugee resettlement in Columbia, McGregor Presbyterian Church will gather with members of the Masjid Noor Ul Huda, and the Islamic Center of Columbia for a pot luck fellowship dinner. This will allow us to share table talk, get to know one another, and vision future opportunities. All are welcome. Questions contact
Who Are The Dreamers? Monday, January 23
6:30 – 8:00 PM 115 Gregg Avenue, Aiken
A public conversation on undocumented youth and the American Dream, presented by immigration justice advocates Ivan Segura and Sara Damewood, moderated by Carolina Peace Resource Center President David Matos, at Aiken Unitarian Universalist Church. Questions contact
Introduction to Nichiren Buddhism Wednesday, January 25
7:00 PM 228B Court, Columbia
Presented by SGI-USA SC Buddhist Center. Questions contact 803-401-4551.
Interfaith Shabbat Worship Friday, January 27
6:30 – 7:30 PM 5827 North Trenholm Road, Columbia
Beth Shalom Synagogue is proud to welcome guests to attend a Jewish Sabbath worship service. Our service will begin at 6;30 PM and end at 7:30. There will be an opportunity for discussion and entertaining questions. All are welcome. Questions contact 803-782-2500.
Baha’i’ Open House Saturday, January 28
3:00 – 6:00 PM 2020 Assembly Street, Columbia
At the Center, we will have stations of interest to the public that will include discussion of Bahá’í methods of spiritual governance, children’s education and the imperatives of religious unity. The afternoon will be highlighted by a short talk by JoAnne Borovicka, author of Light of the Kingdom, Biblical Topics in the Bahá’í Writings. Questions contact
2017 A Year of Interfaith Understanding Launch Sunday, January 29
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM 2535 Leeds Ave, Charleston
In this time of religious bigotry, Unity will give its pulpit to a religion every month in the hopes of fostering more knowledge and understanding in the faith community. January 29, 2017 will feature Simran Singh who will teach us about Universalism (though not Unitarian Universalism, that was last summer!). Also to come in future months are Native American spirituality and The Orthodox Churches. Questions contact or 843-566-0600.
Stand Up Sunday service for Gun Violence Prevention Sunday, January 29
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Corner of Woodrow & Heyward, Columbia
Orangeburg Hindu Temple Service Sunday, January 29
5:00 – 7:00 PM 1035 Five Chop Road, Orangeburg
Prayers, singing of bhajans, chanting of mantra together and talk by temple priest (pravachan) on topics from the Gita or Ramayana. Questions contact or (803)535-5899.
UU Special Service Sunday, January 29
11:00 AM – Noon 334 Clayton Memorial Church Road, Newberry
Experience a Unitarian Universalist service which on this day will share the meaning of each element for newcomers.
Beginning the Dialogue in Charleston Monday, January 30
7:00 – 9:00 PM College of Charleston, Charleston
Muslims and Jews chat about faith, food, and other important things. Questions contact
Dances of Universal Peace Friday, February 3
Contact info below for Columbia private address
Sponsored by an Islamic Sufi order, DUP is an international organization devoted to peacefully honoring the positive spiritual power in the world’s major faith traditions. Known also as Peace Dances or Sufi Dancing, the dances are a moving way to become more aware of the divine in and around us. Inspired by many different religions, each dance is a practice that deepens our resonance with an aspect of spirituality. For each dance, our leader teaches us the words, meaning, and melody of a sacred chant, and dance motions to accompany it. Then we all dance while singing the chant, deepening our experience with each repetition. For directions and more information, contact 803-743-0731 or
World Interfaith Harmony Week February 5 – 11
Based on United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/65/PV.34 for a worldwide week of interfaith harmony. It was proposed in 2010 by HM King Abdullah II and HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan. World Interfaith Harmony Week is always on the first week of February of every year and aims to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith.
World Peace Prayer Sunday, February 5
10:00 AM 228B O’Neil Court, Columbia
Presented by SGI-USA SC Buddhist Center. Questions contact 803-401-4551.
Louis Venters Speaks About Baha’i Faith Sunday, February 5
2:30 PM Florence Library, 509 South Dargan Street
Educational program presented by Interfaith Partners of Florence is part of our quarterly programs aimed at educating the public about the history, philosophy and practices of our diverse faith communities and promoting understanding and respect. Please come and join the conversation. Admission is free and light refreshments will be served. Questions contact 843-992-4101.
Islamaphobia Workshop Sunday, February 5
2:00 PM 2701 Heyward Street, Columbia
Presented by Manzoor Cheema, a Fellow at the Center for New Community, which tracks organized racist movements in the USA. He is a founding member of Muslims for Social Justice, a North Carolina-based organization dedicated to pursue Muslim Liberation Theology. Manzoor serves as Coordinator for a North Carolina-based network of organizations called MERI (Movement to End Racism and Islamophobia). Mazoor is recipient of the 2014 International Human Rights Award by The Human Rights Coalition of North Carolina. Hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia. Questions contact
Solomon Tenenbaum Annual Lecture Tuesday, February 7
7:30 PM Campus Room at Capstone House, University of South Carolina, Columbia
Jon D. Levenson (Harvard Divinity School)— “The Binding of Isaac in the Three ‘Abrahamic Traditions’: The Jewish-Christian-Muslim Debate.” More info here
Healing & Peace Ceremony Sunday, February 12 (rescheduled from Jan 8)
3:00 PM S.C. State House front plaza (north side)
A recognition of the pain we have experienced during violence around the world in 2016 and reflections on both personal and community peace. Interfaith ceremony presented by Temple Osireion. Questions contact