Religions in 21st C. SC Classes

21stCenturyReligionsTextPresented in 2013-2014 by Interfaith Partners of South Carolina in cooperation with Columbia College  (We will announce when another series is scheduled)

An Introduction to Bahá’í, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Native American beliefs, Paganism, Sikhism, and Unitarian-Universalism.  Learn about the origins, history, development, spread, beliefs, practices, organization, diversity, relationship to other faiths and presence in South Carolina of these religions. Hear from scholars, clergy and believers with time for questions and socializing.

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Module #3 (a four-part course) 4:00 – 6:30 pm
Sept 29 and Oct 6 – Hinduism, taught by Professor Hal French with Arunima Sinha
Oct 13 and 27 – Buddhism, taught by Geshe Dakpa Topgyal


Module #4 (a four-part course) 4:00 – 6:30 pm
Nov 3 – Sikhism, taught by Dr. Avtar Singh
Nov 10 – Paganism, taught by Holli Emore
Nov 17 – Native American Spirituality, taught by Chief Will Moreau Goins
Nov 24 – Unitarian Universalism, taught by Dr. Holley Ulbrich

Where Columbia College, (Room number will be posted in front).  Breed is #14 on this map.  Parking in front of Breed or in parking lot A.

Cost  $10 per module. Pre-registration by Paypal at or by check (note purpose on check) to Interfaith Partners of South Carolina, PO Box 5301, Columbia, SC 29250-5301. Registration at the door, if space remains.  For more information  Dr. Carl Evans evansc @ or 803-315-5481

Columbia College is a United Methodist-related college that strives to be respectful of the wide religious diversity and difference within our student body, faculty, staff, and community-at-large

groupcropModule #1 (a four-part course)
Sundays, March 3, 10, 17, 24 4:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Judaism The root of all the Abrahamic faiths Dr.Katja Vehlow, University of South Carolina
Christianity The largest religious community in the world Dr. Adrian Bird, Union Presbyterian Seminary

Module #2 (a four-part course)
Sundays April 7, 14, 21, 28 4:00 – 6:30 pm
Islam The fastest-growing religion on the planet Chaplain (Major) Abdullah Hulwe, U.S. Army
Baha’i Practiced in more places than any faith except Christianity Dr. Louis Venters, Francis Marion University