Jan 2025 is SC Interfaith Harmony Month

We encourage South Carolinians throughout the state to host their own in person or virtual interfaith event during the month of January 2025. We ask that you:

  1. State that you are celebrating SC Interfaith Harmony Month in partnership with Interfaith Partners of SC. 
  2. Welcome any who would like to participate in your event or service, and refrain from recruiting or proselytizing visitors.
  3. Add the following to any printed or digital materials:
    In celebration of SC Interfaith Harmony Month in partnership with Interfaith Partners of SC: www.interfaithpartnersofsc.org

Here are a few examples of interfaith events:

  • Panel discussion of how different faiths view an idea like compassion or mercy.
  • Showing of a special film, like The Sultan and the Saint, or The Gate: The Life of the Bab, or Selma.
  • Shared prayers in services with synagogues, mosques and congregations.
  • Educational presentation by various faith leaders.
  • Singalong or musical performance.
  • Tour of spiritual space.
  • Sharing symbols from your faith tradition followed by Q&A.
  • Interfaith trivia party.

Click here to submit your event information by December 1, 2024

Once your submission has been approved, it will be added to our statewide calendar of Interfaith Harmony Month events. We reserve the right to exclude events that do not align with the mission and vision of Interfaith Partners of SC, which can be found at https://interfaithpartnersofsc.org/about/mission.

Here’s a resource for faith reps as you reach out to your religious networks.

On behalf of IPSC, thank you for participating in Interfaith Harmony Month. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at ipsc@interfaithpartnersofsc.org.