2013 Interfaith Harmony Events

The public is warmly invited to each of these events held during South Carolina Interfaith Harmony Month (January) and through World Interfaith Harmony Week in February.  All are located in Columbia unless otherwise noted.  

Thursday, January 3
Governor Nikki Haley proclaims “South Carolina Interfaith Harmony Month”
10:30 am State House first floor

Friday, January 4 and every Friday through February 15
Introduction to Zen Buddhism Including Meditation
5:45– about 7:00 pm  Columbia Zen Buddhist Priory
Very limited space so call to confirm 772-7552

Saturday, January 5 – Native American
1:00 pm  “‘Idle No More” Round Dance Flash Mob
State House, Gervais & Sumter Streets. 803-960-9437 jmorabon@gmail.com

Sunday, January 6 – Unitarian Universalist
11:00 am service  Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
2701 Heyward  (803) 799-0845

Thursday, January 10 – Women of Faith Inter-religious group
6:30 pm- snacks, socializing  7:00 pm– Introduction to Women of Faith, facilitated sharing on: “Finding Joy in a Flawed World”
Baha’i Center 2020 Assembly. nancy.hendershot@providencehospitals.com”
(803) 256-5599 or 803-361-1135 Comfortable attire.

Saturday, January 12 – Muslim
4:00-6:30 pm Open house. Observe Muslim prayer, brief talk, Q & A, snacks
Masjid Noor ul Huda 517 Winmet Drive, Chaudhry Sadiq (803) 210-7355
Dress: All please cover arms and legs, head covering requested for ladies

Sunday, January 13 – Mormon
7 pm Program and reception  4440 Fort Jackson Blvd (803) 254-4268

Thursday, January 17 – Noonday Prayer for Christian Unity
New Hope Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
1001 Christian Court, Lexington, SC    RSVP for fellowship meal to
(803) 786-7115  bkneece@sccouncil.net

Saturday, January 19 – Baha’i Faith
7 pm Devotions, introductory talk, Q&A, refreshments and socializing
Baha’i Center 2020 Assembly (803) 765-1468

Sunday, January 20 – Sikh
11 am – 2 pm Program and lunch  Sikh Temple 11419 Broad River Road, Chapin, SC (803) 808-7525  Head covering will be provided.

Thursday, January 24 – Seminar on Islam (Five Muslim panelists)
7 pm Newberry College Music Hall, Newberry, SC  803.924.3490 or halfacrj@bellsouth.net

Friday, January 25 – Quaker
7:00 pm Presentation on 17th-century Quakers.
RSVP to sallie.prugh@gmail.com

Saturday, January 26 – Quaker 
9:30-12:00 18th and 19th-century Quakers;
1:00-3:30 20th and 21st-century Quakers.
RSVP sallie.prugh@gmail.com

Sunday, January 27 – Quaker
9:45 Introduction to silent worship.
10:00-11:00 Silent worship, social time.
11:30-12:30  discussion on “Quaker Meditations on the Gospel of John.”
Society of Friends Meeting House,120 Pisgah Church Road

Sunday, January 27 Spirituality Expressed through the Performing Arts
3-5 pm  Newberry Opera House, Newberry, SC $5.00 (803) 924-3490 or

Saturday, February 2 – Pagan
5:30 pm and 7:00 pm Lights of Nut Ceremony
RSVP sekhmet@osireion.com for directions to a home location

Sunday, February 3 – Hindu
3-5 pm Worship, light snacks after program.
Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of South Carolina, 5703 Kiawah Road (803)772-9650

Saturday, February 9 – Jewish
10:30-12 service, luncheon follows.
Beth Shalom Synagogue, 5827 North Trenholm Road  (803) 782-2500

Sunday, February 17 – Gathering of Faiths
Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Native American, Pagan, Sikh, Unitarian Universalist
1-5:30 pm
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center  A celebration of South Carolina’s many faiths, featuring a festive procession, music, ethnic food, dance, song, drumming, small group discussion pavilions and a stroll through the interfaith neighborhood. Free. www.gatheringoffaiths.com
