A few helpful hints:
1. This is a statewide celebration. Events from everywhere will be placed on our calendar and promoted.
2. Your event or service should a) welcome guests of other religions; b) help visitors better understand your religion; c) not attempt to convert or recruit your guests; d) mention you are part of S.C. Interfaith Harmony Month.
Events in the past have included open house receptions, special speakers, musical performances, women’s discussion groups, panel discussions involving speakers from several different religions addressing a current topic; a service in your temple, gurdwara, etc., with translated ceremony language and refreshments, etc.; arts performances including dance, drumming, song, chanting, and more from many religions. See list of past events below.
3. It is important that all the wide range of religions be represented in our schedule – please step forward as soon as possible with your information.
4. If you have questions or want to discuss ideas, please feel free to call 803-984-1848 or email borhaniank@gmail.com or reach out to other IPSC members you may know.
Costly Grace presented by Greater Baha’i Center of Columbia
Sabbath Service at Beth Shalom Synagogue
Introduction to Nichiren Buddhism presented by SGI-USA Buddhist Cente
Why We Search For Ancestors – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Interfaith Friendship and Harmony Celebration at Hindu Temple and Cultural Center
Ready 2 Read Children’s book drive for a local school district
The Midlands Interfaith Meetup: Tu B’Shevat (Zoom)
Interfaith Service Project for High School youth groups of all faiths at Howlmore Animal Sanctuary
Talking About Values, Presented by: Freethought Society of the Midlands
Observance and Prayers at the Sikh Gurdwara Nanaksar
Women of Many Faiths, Friendship Building
Full Moon Ceremony hosted by 3 Rays of Light & Awen Grove Fellowship
Interfaith & Human Trafficking Ongoing Awareness: Your Faith Can Make a Difference!
Coming To The Center livestream interview presented by Cherry Hill Seminary
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia Service
Walking Tour of Historic Aiken Houses of Worship
The Meaning and Importance of Compassion in Three Religious Tradtions
Interfaith Nature Walk
Book of Night ritual drama by Temple Osireion
Faith and Family: How different faith traditions approach serving seniors
Patience and Perseverance in Our Many Faiths presented by Masjid Noor Ul Huda
Dances of Universal Peace
Introduction to Zen Buddhism Including Meditation at Columbia Zen Buddhist Priory
Native American Round Dance Flash Mob
Noonday Prayer for Christian Unity at New Hope Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Quaker Presentation
Spirituality Expressed through the Performing Arts at the Newberry Opera House
Things we haven’t tried: podcast, sing-along Messiah, dance-theater-musical performance by your religious group
And other things we have: panel discussions, educational offerings, special services at your house of worship which welcome, include and educate guests